Sex dolls can help couples cope with split erotic fantasies
The Japanese sex doll Yuko is charged via a USB cable and interacts through artificial intelligence. Robot Gender: Social and ethical impacts were released last month. Sex dolls can make people play fantasy or indulge in the practices that their partners are not interested in.A new book has already argued why TPE sex doll robots can be a blessing for lonely people and couples. The latest robotic doll is the head of singing and smiling - you can control it with your smartphone.
It's revolutionary, it's a game rule changer - from the game player's point of view, it's like a new console is being released. Sex dolls can enhance the confidence of sexually hunger men and help couples cope with the split erotic fantasies.

The authenticity of the robot's head and body will be the next level of enhancement - people who work for silicone dolls have masters of robotics and are constantly developing this technology. From a software perspective, you don't want it to break, they need to make the internal components correct.
A co-editor of the book, called Robotics: Social and Ethical, says that machines can see sexual experiences "more madly" spread to people who are considered unpopular. University law lecturers told the Daily Star: "One thing they can do is to spread sexual experiences more widely to those who are not considered to be traditionally attractive.
They can help people build a sense of comfort in their sexual life and increase their confidence in their sexual abilities. The manufacturer has completed the prototype of the sex doll robot head, which contains a movable mechanical structure coated with silicone "skin"
Sex dolls can also strengthen existing relationships by reducing the gender tensions that partners want. She can tell jokes, she can't accidentally enter sex mode. She has no rotatable neck, but is suitable for the body of other dolls in all companies. They have flexible limbs that allow them to "move like a real person."
The head of the sex doll said that the prototype is about £4,500. The company is the only authorized urdolls retailer in Europe and hopes to bring the robot head to the UK by the end of next year.
The model has an "amazing beauty" look and can be used to listen to and answer questions using speech recognition software. He added: "The two studio-level makeup artists have taken this field to a new level and it looks very natural.
In the past two years, we have been moving towards a true touch, the real feeling of silicon dolls, and the reinforced skeleton makes it lighter - these adult-sized real sex doll have a total of five stones in the head and weight. This is an opportunity to move the toy development to the next level, which has been quietly happening behind the scenes for 10 to 15 years.
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